Human-like AIs

that work for you...

Enlist as many of our fully customizable 'Selphs' as you need! With an optional face and a voice, they integrate with web, messaging platforms, email and more to help you scale like never before!

A face and a voice
for your brand

Give your AI a face and a voice of your choice with TrueSelph embodiments. Digitally sign your AI avatars that represent your brand with customizable features to enhance user relationships and trust.

Meet your brand’s new, personalized digital face

Deploy your AIs
Just about anywhere...

Leverage the power of TrueSelph to seamlessly deploy the same AI across various communication channels including WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Slack, email, and more. Ensure a consistent and effective presence on all popular platforms.

Uniform AI deployment across diverse communication channels.

24/7 Availability

Our AIs don't take breaks and are always in a great mood, ensuring you have continuous support and great customer service around the clock, every day of the year.

Create AIs that are always online, always ready.

Simplified Control
in a versatile package...

The TrueSelph platform makes it easy to customize, integrate and monitor human-like AIs that go to work in your digital space.

customize, deploy and monitor your AIs from an easy-to-use dashboard

Powerful tech
under the hood...

Under the hood, TrueSelph is powered by leading edge technologies working through a multi-agent AI core, capable of a myriad of integrations.

The TrueSelph architecture bundles data anonymization, integrations with a variety of AI models as well as communication platforms.

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